Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I've decided to start blogging!

I am often wrestling with my thoughts.  As my worldview is challenged by a book, or a person, or an experience, I have no choice but to re-evaluate my pre-conceived perspectives if I am to continue to evolve and grow and act as a human being.

I've titled my blog "Till We Have Faces" based off the book by C.S. Lewis: Till We Have Faces, a Myth Retold.  This book has had a profound impact on my understandings of life.  It is a book of love on  a journey.  The climax of the book is a powerful reminder that what we think we know about ourselves, and others cannot be truly known "till we have faces."  To quote directly from the book: 

"I saw well why the gods do not speak to us openly, nor let us answer.  Till that word can be dug out us, why should they hear the babble that we think we mean?  How can they meet us face to face till we have faces?"

Further, I subtitled my blog "Thoughts and experiences on The Way."  The earliest Christ followers were known as people on "The Way."  I am a follower of Christ on a journey.  I do not have all the answers, nor am I perfect, but I do align myself unabashedly with the Way of Christ, and his life, death, and resurrection.  

Therefore, this blog is dedicated to the purpose of continual wrestling, that I, and anyone involved in the conversation can better learn what it means to walk in the Way of love and solidarity with humankind and creation.  The hope is that as we wrestle and journey, we will find our true faces.